March 13, 2018

My answers to the Famitsu Japanese games questionnaire

■Name or nickname

from 30 to 39


North America

favorite Japanese game(No.1)
Chrono Trigger

Fast-paced, clever, dynamic

favorite Japanese game(No.2)
Dark Souls

Deep, mysterious, complex

favorite Japanese game(No.3)

Improvisational, over-the-top, cool

■When you play Japanese games, which aspects of games are more important to you?
Story/Narrative Elements

If you choose Other, please explain below.
Without input

■What did you love the most about this game?
Without input

■Which aspects of the game did you like?  Please check all that apply and/or explain other aspect you liked.
Without choice

Without input

■Who was your favorite character among 4 champions and why?

Without input

■Which of the following was more important to you and why?

Without input

■What did you love the most about this game?
The freedom to set my own goals and balance what I have to do with what I want to wear :3

■Which aspects of the game did you like?  Please check all that apply and/or explain other aspect you liked.

The mindset involved in fighting and the mindset involved in quest management / maximizing rewards are both very different, but very engaging.

■What was your favorite monster and why?

If you choose Other, please explain below.
I always manage to fight it in the most interesting terrains.

Without input

■Which weapon do you use the most and why?
Insect Glaive

I like to move fast, and maximize the buffs I get in the short time that I have them.

■What did you love the most about this game?
The ambition. Nearly every aspect of the game is directed toward expressing a consistent feeling.

■Which aspects of the game did you like?  Please check all that apply and/or explain other aspect you liked.
Story/Narrative Elements
Art Elements (Character, Environment, etc)
Character Design

The gameplay is the weakest to me. The many different weapons offered the least interesting decisions making and did not convince me to change my play style.

■Who was your favorite main character and why?

None of the main characters are as interesting as the machines.

■What was the most impressive ending and why?

This ending is the whole point of the game. The player is forced to decide what they value and why they should keep fighting.
Incidentally, the multiple endings did not impress. They could have found a way to make it fit into one play through and keep it cohesive.

■What did you love the most about this game?
Without input

■Which aspects of the game did you like?  Please check all that apply and/or explain other aspect you liked.
Without choice

Without input

■How did you feel about the difficulty?

■What was the hardest boss to beat or level to complete?
Without input

■What did you love the most about this game?
The way that I always want to play just one more day. Until it went on for too long and I got bored.

■Which aspects of the game did you like?  Please check all that apply and/or explain other aspect you liked.
Art Elements (Character, Environment, etc)

All of the systems tie in so well together, I was always excited to make a decision to see how it would effect everything else days later.

■Who is your favorite main character and why?
Makoto Niijima

Frankly, every other character is a jerk.

■What was the most impressive scene?
The opening scene.

■What did you love the most about this game?
The way I start so weak and become so powerful.

■Which aspects of the game did you like?  Please check all that apply and/or explain other aspect you liked.
Story/Narrative Elements
Art Elements (Character, Environment, etc)
Other aspects

The game is unusual in how replayable it is. For the first playthrough, I can be very slow and careful and savor the horror. On the next playthough, I can run around like crazy attacking everything with the knife. Both ways are very fun.

■What was the scariest scene?
When I was pulled out of the car in the first boss fight and run over. I did not expect that culd happen.

■Who did you save, Mia or Zoe and why?

I mean, she's my girl.

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